Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sundays are for spinning, again...

Well almost.  I actually started the featured project on Saturday but it was finished on Sunday at around 1ish am so I will keep up with my Sunday spinning theme and post it today. 

Whew!  What a busy weekend.  If you read yesterday's post you know that I started my day attending an Open House at a local Fiber Artists Studio.  Today my sis sent me a text bright and early to come play at Upstairs Studio with her and Z.  How could I say no, all I had looming ahead of me was more laundry, three stinky boys that I love to death, but they really want nothing to do with me and my Man, who was busy relaxing in his PJ's.  Out the door again...  I spent the morning and into the early afternoon playing with leather, a new craft that has been bouncing around the group.  I had admired a wallet my sister had made and decided to tackle one while they played with silver and silver clay (I ended up taking home one of their pieces - I tell you, it is who you know - ;-).  So here are some photo's of the new stuff.  YEAH, fun, fun, fun.  Keep reading though because there is some exciting news at the end of the post...

Fiber statistics:
Purchased pre spun from Sunset Fibers on Etsy
2 Ply
9 Wraps Per Inch - Worsted Weight
126 Yards, 4 Ounces
Lots of squishy love...

Leather Wallet
Design inspired by Julie Rabung
Made by ME
Needs two snaps, but otherwise finito...
I have been asked to teach a class at an up coming fiber festival in Wasilla.  I am going to attach some details here, if you are not interested in my class, no problem, if you ARE interested in one of the other classes, sign up.  We want this event to become successful for our large state as we do not have anything like this going on!  I am not hosting the event, I have just been asked to teach so if you have some questions, feel free to ask but I will more than likely pass you on to the organizer.  Oh and hey all of my out of state fiber friends (you know who you are), as my friend Z would say, COME, COME...
What color will your hands be?
 Fiber N' Ice
APRIL 16, 17, 18TH
 Denise Morrison
For specific classes offered please send me a message and I will forward you the registration form.  I tried to post it here but it was messy and confusing and to hard to manipulate...  sorry about that but I am HAPPY to forward the info to you.

Good night everyone.  See you in the funny pages.

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