Sunday, January 10, 2010

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon?

We all have different ideas of what a Sunday afternoon should be like.  Some get up early, attend church and go to Grandma's for roast, some celebrate Sunday with brunch and family time.  Some sleep all day long preparing for the busy week ahead.  Our family lays low on Sunday's.  Clint is not one to sleep in but when I am given the chance, he leaves me and our sweet dog Lola to snuggle behind the shut bedroom door.  The smell of coffee creeps under the door but I do not move.  I relish sleeping in on Sunday morning and when it is dark out (today until 10am) it is even easier for me to laze the morning away!  The smell of breakfast cooking brought me out of my slumber and I had to go investigate what was on the stove.  I was welcomed with cornflake crusted french toast made with fresh french bread (bought not baked).  My husband is a master in the kitchen.  As I ate my wonderful breakfast I pondered what I was going to do with my day;  tackle the baby sweater from HELL (long story), knit on a project that has been on needles for months, or spin up some fiber that has been on the wheel for a few weeks.  I chose the latter.  I decided to dedicate my Sunday to finishing one spinning project.  Here is my project from start to finish...

Mum's Fall Favorites
4 oz Corriedale Crossbred wool roving 
A combination of parchment, russet, spruce and chestnut

 Spun into two singles...
 Then plied...
Into beautiful yarn...
The question now is "what will this become"?


  1. It's beautiful!! How many yards did you end up with? I need details! ;-)

  2. Cathy, this 4 ounce roving yielded 190 yards of sport weight (12 WPI). I can see that I am over spinning my singles and therefore the ply is not binding together. I need to work on that to make my spinning even better, I am happy with the weight though.
