Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A new day...

Good morning to all of my fellow blog followers and knitters and friends.  It is a new day isn't it.  Today I had that TALK with myself, you know the talk that we have when we make promises to ourselves, to shape up, ship out or at least try!!! These are the promises I made myself today.
1.  Get to the gym at least 3 times per week

2.  Get on track with my eating program

3.  Work on my core with my fancy pilates reformer that is collecting dust

on the knitting front
4.  Don't work on projects I hate (ummmm Icelandic Sweater might bite the dust)
5.  Only have three projects going at one time (ummmm my needles are almost empty)
Five promises are enough right?  The reason my promises are exercise and diet rich is because I am leaving on holiday in 10 weeks. 

Holiday is 14 days in Italy, Croatia and Greece.  My body parts are going to be exposed and they need a little, ummmm, work before we go!  

The last couple of promises are because I have been terribly bored with my knitting lately and I want to work on things I LOVE, yes, that challenge too but also that I love!  I have decided that I HATE Lopi, so why would I torture myself.  OK, I have not totally abandon the sweater but it is close!

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