Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If you never change your mind, why have one?

So some time back I announced that this year I would spin the fiber for a sweater.  I also linked you to a beautiful sweater that I had every intention of using said spun fiber to knit.  After spinning said fiber into a three ply yarn, I decided that three ply would not work.  Then I decided to spin enough two ply yarn to do a swatch and see how that looked and felt, I liked my swatch.  I like the pattern.  I showed the swatch and pattern to several friends who did indeed like the swatch and also liked the sweater BUT and this is the most important part, did not like the swatch FOR the sweater.  This is really important because you do not want to go to great lengths spinning up yarn for a pattern that ultimately will not work right.  The pattern I originally chose needs a more drapy fiber.  BFL is wonderful next to the skin but it holds a bit more structure.  So after several more weeks pondering what I was going to knit with two pounds of fiber it was down to two choices.  I think tonight I have decided (with a little hlep from my friends - did I sound like a Beatles song?) which sweater I will ultimately knit with my two pounds of fiber.  What do you think?

I think the organic nature of the fiber will lend itself nicely to the cardigan.  Here is my first gauge swatch, which HURRAY, is right on!
Now all I have to do is spin up 1500 yards...


  1. I think that is a fantastic choice!!! Your swatch looks lovely!

  2. How many yards do you have now?

  3. Not enough. Maybe 300.
    Yikes, I better start spinning.
    Oh well, no deadline here, just the need to be consistent.
