Friday, February 26, 2010


Yep, that is what I am.  Disqualified from the KNITTING OLYMPICS.  I knew when I cast on my sweater at Karen's house during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics that the sweater I chose would be a challenge for me to complete in two weeks.  This is why I chose it, the Knitting Olympics are meant to be a challenge for a knitter but my life presented even more challenges and unfortunately I failed before I began.  Several things impacted my decision to disqualify myself. 
1. Our friend Alan died.
2. My cold is now in my chest and I can't breathe deep without coughing.
3. I am sleeping at night, instead of staying up until the wee hours like normal, which is seriously cutting into my knitting time.
So, thus, I need to bow out, quit, fail, disqualify myself from the Knitting Olympics this year.  I will NOT finish a sweater in two days and frankly, I am not going to even try.  Knitting is meant to be fun, exciting and adventurous, not stressful, which is what I would be if I tried to knit like mad to meet the deadline.  I would indeed make a mistake, end up tearing it out and feeling frustrated all the while.
The sweater is cast on, I will finish it in the near future but before I do I have a whole other sweater that is going to be cast on Monday at the start of my Icelandic Sweater class.  I am so excited about this sweater as it will be my first STEEKING project (in which I cut my knitting, YIKES, to make a cardigan).  Stay tuned for updates on this project including photo's from my classes each week.


  1. Welcome to the disqualified club - it's not so bad here - no pressure, just fun knitting!

  2. I like it, it is much better than the pressure! I almost didn't enter but I did at the last minute. I should have gone with my first instinct! Oh well, I fail pretty easily.

  3. I love that picture of the dog. :) You're not a failure....just busy.

    I have thought so much about you with Alan. What a horrible thing.

    Good luck with steeking. It is very, uh, liberating. :) Are you using Lopi?

  4. at least you had the ovaries to join the challenge!!! i have a sweater started - i started it 2 years ago. i just pulled it out, and i took the interchangeable needles off because i needed them for a different project and ifailed to write down what size it was. i have no idea. i think i will just start it over anyway. there was some funkiness going on!!!

    have fun with the steeking. i'm scared for you.

  5. Not disqualified - just gaining experience in your first Olympics.

  6. Cahty - I totally rocked my first KO. I made that whole darn hemlock ring blanket. That was during the summer olympics. I was never a fan of winter sports!
