Monday, April 11, 2011

So I have been asked...

Ptarmigan, originally uploaded by jeaniefarley1973.

Pattern Notes:
Ptarmigan by Jared Flood
Cashmere purchased in Italy - lace weight held double
Size 6 Knit Picks Options
Hey Jeanie... when are you going to update your blog! For reasons that I don't want to complain about, blogging life has been kind of complicated, blogger, flickr, computers, ravelry, double photo's etc. Why can't it just be easy! So here I am, posting a few blogs tonight, in a kind of crazy sort of way. I am going to share some finished objects and then I will again later try to update them with links to project pages etc.

Ptarmigan Cowl ...
I used my remaining cashmere that was purchased in Italy on this. I held the yarn double. It is sooooo soft and sooooo warm and I think next to my fiddlehead mittens, possibly my favorite knitted item in my wardrobe...
This is a fantastic project for beautiful yarn. It looks great being sporty, dressy or casual. It is a wonderful piece!

Stay tuned as you will be getting quite a few mini posts from me tonight...

1 comment:

  1. So pretty and it is so soft!! I understand why it is your favorite knitted item in your wardrobe
