1. Skew Socks. Need to finish sock two, for that matter, need to start sock two.
2. Wicked Sweater. This is just frigging boring. But I love this design. Not loving the yarn however.
3. Sock Blanket. This one will come along slowly.
4. Scrappy Scarf. I need to crank this out. It is a gift you know.
5. Chloe.1 and Chloe.2. These have a quickly approaching due date. Chloe.1 is all but done. The other is just started.
6. Lightweight Sweater. Just started. Don't anticipate being done to soon. Will be my honor band knit!
7. End of May Mittens. Oh. I need to work on these. The weather is calling for them.
How about some finished objects.
Susie's Reading Mitts
Modified: No Thumb. Size 3 and 2.5. No picot on side facing elbow.
Squishy hat found on the cascade web site. Made for Kirsten. Made with Cascade Bulky Alpaca and size 10 needle. Quick easy cute knit.
What are your knitting goals?
End of May might help with the weather, but oh the colors on scrappy scarf! Super cheery during this dreary light.