Today I made a resolution to finish a WIP before I ring the new year in. I chose an one of my older WIP's that is a gift! The recipient does not know she is getting this, so she is not biting her nails waiting on it but I would love to send it to her so that she may use it during the winter months!
I of course am farther along that this photo shows but NOT MUCH! So I am going to hunker down on the sofa tomorrow, bright and early and knit away until it is done, including the fringe!
Project Details:
Pattern: Scrappy Scarf (sorry, this is a ravelry purchased pattern)
Yarn: Mountain Colors Bearfoot in colorway Bitterroot Rainbow
Needles: Size 8 Knit Picks
I CAN'T WAIT to achieve my resolution.
My 2011 New Years Resolution...
Take into account what I have before I say or act on my needs. I have so much! I need very little. I need to practice this everyday until it becomes habit!