So my parents arrived in Anchorage two nights ago. Monday I came home from work, hoping and wishing and praying that my three capable children had done what I asked of them. In turn I would be able to finish getting the house picked up and ready for company! One of the tasks asked of them was to empty the dishwasher and load it though out the day! I came home to the same dishes that had been washed three times being washed AGAIN! This of course put me in a foul mood and the yelling started. Through all the commotion we figured out that our dishwasher did not work! By now Mom and Dad have arrived. I am frustrated that chores were not done and now I have a broken dishwasher that was FULLY loaded with dirty dishes and it is the holidays. Really, today of all days do I have to REALLY call a repair man to come and fix this dishwasher. By the way, this dishwasher is really only 10 years old but looks about 50. The top rack is being held up by twine and zip ties. It sits a little lop sided. I think about it, my Dad chimes in, my Mom chimes in and we all come to the conclusion that it is going to cost more to fix this hunk of junk than it is to replace it (sad but true in the world today). Timing could have not been better, Dad is a pro at this stuff so Clint has all the help he needs to replace this beast. Brendan and Mom do all of the dishes by hand. The fully loaded dishwasher's worth as well as the new dinner dishes from the evening. They are awesome!!!
Tuesday Dad volunteers to go and find us a new dishwasher. He does this between doctors appointments and medical procedures and I can't thank him enough. He even went to pick it up at the warehouse. He gets to the house after leaving a recovering Mom at my Aunts to rest. The boys hauled the new beast into the kitchen and the cleaning, removing and installing begins. We need pipe tape, to Fred Meyer I go. The hose is to short, to Lowes the men go. I return home with a recovering Mom and the men are still gone. Long story short. I did a load of dishes in my brand new BOSCH dishwasher last night and they are clean! I think my old machine was bad for awhile because I have not seen dishes this clean in some time. I started my second load before I went to work this morning!!! YEAH new dishwasher!
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