A few weeks ago my sister came to work wearing some socks that I had knitted for her several years ago. I asked her if I could look at them and admire them again. You see, those socks were a labor of love. Still a fairly new knitter I has worked on them for hours on a drive from Homer when just pulling into the driveway I crammed them into my bag. I am not sure what happened next but in the end I had stitches off a needle which was broken in half. These were my lovely rosewood double points. Perfect length. Perfect size. Perfect loss! I recovered and finished these wonderful socks.

Pattern: Harebell Lace Socks by Charlene Schurch
Yarn: Austermann Step
Needles: 2.75mm
Anywho... After analyzing these socks she said quite frankly. I want some normal socks. You know. Just plain. Not lacy. I am a pleaser so I came home. Analyzed the stash. Sent off some text photos. Looked over patterns and we collectively agreed on these.

Pattern: Retro Rib Socks from
Favorite Socks designed by Evelyn A. Clark
Hazel Knits Artisan Sock
Needles: 2.75 mm and 2.5 mm for heel
I modified the pattern to be toe up and used a short row heel. I love doing toe up two at a time. She loves her socks. Notes about this ribbing. It is very stretchy. Maybe go down a needle size. They are a little big but socks always shrink just a tiny bit.
Snippets! I love
Rowan Felted Tweed! I want to marry it.

Toe up 3x1 rib socks. Using Wooly Nylon thread as toe, foot, heel re-enforcement!